Tuesday, April 5, 2011

200C New Blog

Hey everyone. Don't use this website anymore- I'm switching to wordpress. Here's the new blog: amusesmile.wordpress.com

Thursday, March 31, 2011

200C Response 1

Three artists who work in the same areas that I do:

1. Luke Dubois
"R. Luke DuBois is a composer, artist, and performer who explores the temporal, verbal, and visual structures of cultural and personal ephemera. He holds a doctorate in music composition from Columbia University, and has lectured and taught worldwide on interactive sound and video performance. He has collaborated on interactive performance, installation, and music production work with many artists and organizations including Toni Dove, Matthew Ritchie, Todd Reynolds..."

Luke also work with time-lapse photography and mining interesting patterns from large datasets. I think his aesthetic is off the hook.

2. Dan Iglesia
"Daniel Iglesia creates music and media for humans, computers, and broad interactions of the two. He works with live manipulations of sound and video, with automation and algorithmic composition, the magnification of inherent chaos in sounds, and real-time media performance with traditional instruments. His works have taken the form of audio and video performance, instrumental works with live electronics, gallery installations, and collaborations with many disciplines such as theater and dance."

He's a music composition phd student at Columbia. I really appreciate his low-fi vibe and use of simple concepts to create really effective performances. His website could use a lot of work... It's a good example of how presentation is important. Sites with great design and no content are just as bad as sites with great content that's impossible to navigate. None the less, I respect him for focusing on his work more than Swiss design and unseriffed fonts.

3. Nancy Duarte
"I’m a conquistador who liberates the undiscovered, sets boundaries for safe play, and builds fortresses where dreams can be realized. I create, protect, and conquer the future with extreme respect and reverence for the past."

I really like her work but the way she represents herself is totally lame.